You know when kids play policemen and pretend shoot you? Well the kids playing this know that you don't put your hands up, you put them behind your head and get down on your knees.
In the women's centre today I was given a make over by some of the women. Keeping up appearances is very important so the ladies cut hair and do other beauty things with what they have. Today I was invited to have some threading (like waxing but with cotton) done and I'm booked in with Mona tomorrow for my eyebrows to be 'designed'. Nail painting went down well with the ladies and the girls and mask making with the children today. A group of Belgian volunteers came to make waffles and hot chocolate at the camp, and had to contend with the lack of electricity and trying to light fires to warm the largest block of chocolate I've ever seen - 2-3 inches high and 2 foot long, it took an hour or more to melt on the tiny fires available.
Tales of the English lessons are spreading, especially that we shout 'we are women' very loudly and proudly (working on genders and pronouns). Today was verbs with -ing endings and more food nouns, and it's lovely when the women come up during the day to practice the phrases with me.
It is very cold (-3 this morning) and the children's centre generator packed up. I dread to think what it is like sleeping overnight in the cabins (shacks).
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